Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ready Set Go!

A vacation longer than needed only makes me feel useless. The last few months have been so tiring and boring and confusing. Have written almost all sorts of entrance exams available.....I just did not end up confusing people around me but myself. And did I mention I worked for a week ? It was okay kind of a job.....but not the one for me.

And then the endless holidays began. It was not long before I realized that it was easy to make plans and much easier not to follow them. So the things-to-do in my Must-do-list were transferred to things-to-be-forgotten-list without a second thought. And I just chose to follow the same old routine of doing nothing and posing to be busy. But anything done for a period longer then intended makes me feel sick of myself. And the boredom made me buy a guitar a month ago and yes I am still learinng. My Bioinformatics classes are gonna start this week. So I hope I will soon have an exit from the boredom which already killed a part of my spirit.


Mural! said...

in the process of letting you know I WAS HERE :)
bio-informatics sounds interesting! atb

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.Thank you for letting me know you where here :~)
Yup.. Bioinformatics seems intertesting to me too...