Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Writing Therapy

I am my own therapist.
{No appointments needed, 24/7 available and fees:ZERO} lol

Okay guys and gals tell me one thing. Do you write the title or the body of the post first ?

As much as I remember I always start with the title and go on and on and on. Cause this partially helps me to stick to one subject and not much bore those readers who accidently crash here. And so that's how I chose this title too.

Though I always believed Writing as a self therapy, I didn't knew it was actually more than what I thought. Here is the link to an article on Writing Therapy----> Not a link to wikipedia. Do read it, I found the fifth instruction in the last paragraph above the references quite interesting.

If you are still reading this and scratching your head and wondering what to expect, I Would suggest you to have a hair wash frequently and to never-ever expect anything sensible from me and to expect more ANDs in this post.

[Warning: Better stop reading this here.]

I am in this 'feels-good to be in a cranky-nasty mood' today that I have this enormous courage to write anything uncensored.

My favorite English teacher once told me that I write very long sentences and that I got to change this habit for good. Sleep early wake up early says my Dearest Dad. Eat at the proper time says my sweet mom. Be calm tells paddu. Forget me says one dear more-than-a frnd.
They don't understand ...a few things I can't change no matter how badly I wish I could :~(

I don't know why I beat around the bush instead of directly speaking my head writing .
It has been about 54 days (wonder how these calculations come up spontaneously) since we spoke/had a verbal fight. It's actually never difficult to forget someone who turns back on you when you needed them the most....rite?
But the hurt that resides hidden in those deep layers of memory, can it ever be healed? Can those alluring memories that hide the bitter truth be erased? Can this extinct past-of-joy overcome this hatred-of-present for a better-future?

It's not that I am upset all the time thinking about him. He is the best person I have ever known. 
 But deep down there is this emptiness that seems to strike back again and again swallowing up the most happiest & precious moments of my life.


Karthik said...

You are right. Writing is truly therapeutic.
And about the remaining part of the post, all I can say is, time heals everything.
Cheers! :-)

oRange* said...


aah, emptiness! u try to battle it out but it never seems to leave ..
dont worry yemiledu, it should fade away soon! why dont u talk it out with him if thats possible ..communication always helps.
take care

Anonymous said...

Hai Karthik,
Thakns for the kind words:)

Hello ORange,
Too much of (miss)communication does ruin a realtionship :( Unfortunatley this is true in my case.
hugs :) thankyou so much for all the words.

Hai Ashley
Nice to know that!
Cliches are all facts afterall.
Thanks for the comment dear..

Maya said...

i never liked writing, but i had so much thoughts that eventully took up blogging, i knew i wouldnt last long, but as time went, i started liking.. today i cant even think of stopping...

Saurabh Panshikar said...

all i can say is..... the best is still to come! All the best!

its nice that you're venting out emotions by writing... Its better than people who prefer sleeping pills and jumping off buildings! lol

Anonymous said...

Found your post most interesting and creative and enjoyable. Loved the article on Writing Therapy. WriteON!

Anonymous said...

HAi Maya...
Thanks for the comment..that's the most sincere words I have heard in a long tym..

Hai Saurabh
:) Iam scared of heights and am immune to sleeping pills...

HAi MAri...
Welcome to my blog!Thanks for such a sweet comment!