Friday, October 2, 2009

Home alone -Part I

It’s a dark, cold night with an endless rain. It’s lightning sometimes and the power is fluctuating. You are all alone though you have a mobile with a dead network. You try to think of something delightful but end up with the memories of all the gothic stories you ever read, heard or saw overflowing your mind. You can feel your heart beat at a pace faster than your thoughts. You feel something moving behind you. [It could be a bee or a mosquito or maybe an old handsome vampire or a hungry Dracula?] You wanna look behind to make sure there is nothing, but you seem to be paralyzed all of a sudden. 'No, you can't be a coward' you tell [shout to] yourself and look over your shoulders. There is nothing [ :~( ] but now, something seems to be under your chair or maybe behind the door, or maybe inside the closet or maybe under the dining table or blah blah blah ...........

No! I was not intending to write a story now : ~D Hehehe!![The wicked devilish smile] Thank god there is no mirror on my monitor] SO SO SOrry if you were expecting to read something serious or naughty or horrible! [Horrible??? Here? Neverrrrr!]

I thought I shall write more regularly when I created this blog.....but GOD!! I am still sincerely committed to be lazy! [Blame the lord...Since he doesn't have a blog, he doesn’t let me blog? I guess so!]

Okay! I can hear you! I know I am stupid sometimes like you :~D The serious stuff ahead........

Started writing this to tell that I am a bit excited and a bit 'nervous'[yeah nervous] that there are a few courageous bloggers out here who dare to read my posts too ;~) Guys, I sincerely appreciate [Saurabh, Karthik, Murali, Tejesh, Sruthi, Sajith, (Angel from heaven & Sorcerer-wonder what your real names are) ]all your invaluable comments and time spent on my blog for me...They sure are precious to me!!! And most importantly I truly enjoy reading your blogs!

Don't worry [or Just Pray], I am not gonna end this post so soon. Hey! I finally finished Anna Karenina....I don't wanna reveal the plot or anything but the ending actually disappointed me, not that it could have been much better! Anyways...And then my Bioinformatics classes (not the subject though) are quite boring [already :~(] Well, It just started so I am sure, my opinion is going to change very soon.

I & Kali [my sweet, cute, lil, darling sis] are actually home alone now and I am inclined to be scared after reading the stupid stuff I just wrote. But nah! There is no power cut here, the phone is not dead, and more over I am watching Mr. Bean’s Holiday. So, I guess I am gonna sleep laughing or maybe laugh in my sleep.[gross :~S ]

And hey! If you felt scared or something similar reading the 1st Para .......Remember there is nothing more evil than our selfish minds. Finally the Quote from Jean-Jacques "Our greatest evil flows from ourselves” True...isn't it?


Rohit Dassani said...

Hey thankz so much for coming to my blog and appreciating it... it really means a lot to me!!

The laughing in the sleep part is awesome!! I laughed.... will reading it!!

Anonymous said...

@ Rohit
You laughed? I thought this was a scary one :~D

Mural! said...

haha the flapping window doors and the tossing curtains, my idea of a classic lonely night jitters :D....don't you think so?

Sorcerer said...

Thanks for the mention in this blog.

Do you believe in ghosts?I had a close encounter with one. should be reading this

Karthik said...

Did you say it was scary?? I say you've got a very good sense of humour.. ha ha ha... :D
And you finished Anna Karenina? Kudos! :)
The starting para was very good indeed. See if you can develop it and make it into a short story or something.. :)

And by the way, you've been tagged in my latest post..

Anonymous said...

Yeah..the flapping window doors, tossing curtains, the light going on and off,the barking dogs, make a lonely night more scary :~)

I don't know ghosts exist or not. Sometimes the thought of ghosts scares me but most of the times they entertain the best :~P
I read half your story ...but I guess I will better read it during the day :)

Thankyou... :~)
Yes I finsished Anna Karenina. Now I am in a frantic search for a book that is as good as Anna Kar...
I will think about the short story stuff.
Thankyou and No thankyou for taging me :~( That seems to be time consuming task lol :)
Anyways....Feels good to know that you tagged me!

Saurabh Panshikar said...

Mood Spoiler!
Good use of font colors to change the mood.

Thanx for mentioning me in your post. I enjoyed reading it.

and try to avoid laughing while you are asleep, otherwise it would well be the topic of a scary post by yo sis Kali! lolz

Anonymous said...

@ Saurabh
Lol! True! I could be somebody's nightmare :~P